Echinodorus Tenellus, also known as Helanthium Tenellus, is a grass-like foreground plant that resembles a hybrid of Dwarf Hair Grass and Micro Swords. This plant grows the same by sending runners horizontally from roots that spread and form a carpet.
High lighting and CO2 injection are not necessarily required to grow Echinodorus Tenellus, but is highly recommended for quicker and fuller growth. To plant, simply separate larger mats into small portions and plant each portion an inch or so apart half way into the substrate. Once established, regular trimming will be required.
Common Name | Echinodorus Tenellus |
Care | Easy |
Lighting | Medium to High |
CO2 | Recommended |
Suggested Placement | Foreground |
Propagation |
Trim and plant runners
Growth Rate | Moderate to Fast |
Height | 1-2″ |
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